List of all House Cleaning Services Companies in Berkeley, CA, USA with Contact Details

You’re trying to find House Cleaning Services in Berkeley, CA with address and contact information for email marketing, lead generation, B2B marketing or personal need. You’ve found the right place. You can find all of Berkeley’s House Cleaning Services in one location thanks to our comprehensive list that we’ve put together. Here have included routes to House Cleaning Services as well as contact information so you may contact them directly, ranging from small to larger House Cleaning Services.

The following is a list of all House Cleaning Services in Berkeley, CA, together with their addresses, websites, email addresses, and phone numbers.

List of House Cleaning Services in Berkeley, CA

# The Cooperative Cleaning Company 2107 Woolsey St, Berkeley, CA 94705, USA Web
Phone: (510) 845-0003
# House Cleaning Services 1231 Santa Fe Ave, Berkeley, CA 94706, USA
Phone: (510) 776-3341
# Lidia\’s Janitorial 2999 Regent St, Berkeley, CA 94705, USA
Phone: (510) 927-6661
# Clover Cleaning Services 1115 Carleton St, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA

Phone: (510) 219-6412
# Anyway Cleaning Services 1414 8th st, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA

Phone: (510) 725-7946
# Sparkle Dots Cleaning Services 3047 Dohr st, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA

Phone: (650) 826-9565
# Rosalie\’s Home Cleaning 2425 California St, Berkeley, CA 94703, USA Web
Phone: (510) 229-0295
# Claremont Services 2612 Hillegass Ave Apt 4, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

Phone: (510) 703-4203
# Crib Buddy Maids 2930 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705, USA Web

Phone: (510) 575-3626
# Berkeley House Cleaning 2704 8th St, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA Web

Phone: (510) 470-0081
# Val\’s Professional Cleaning Services 1618 Prince St, Berkeley, CA 94703, USA
Phone: (510) 485-9520

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