List of all Hospitals in Ticino, Switzerland

If you’re looking for a hospital in Ticino, You’ve arrived to the correct location! We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the hospitals in Ticino so you can choose the one that’s suitable for you. Here have included directions to the hospitals as well as contact information so you may contact them directly.

The list below includes addresses, websites, email addresses, and phone numbers for all public and private hospitals in Ticino.

Hospitals in Ticino

  1. Clinica Hildebrand
    Address: Via Crodolo 18, Brissago, Ticino, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: 41 91 786 86 86
    Fax: 41 91 786 86 87
  2. Residenza Al Lido
    Address: Via della Posta 44, Locarno, Locarno, Ticino, Switzerland
    Phone: 41 0 91 756 3737
    Fax: 41 0 91 756 37 38
  3. Clinica Oculistica Lugano
    Address: Central Park, Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
    Phone: 0041 (0) 91 985 70 50
  4. Segretariato Conferenza dei servizi assistenza e cure a domicilo SACD
    Address: Via Brentani 11/CP 4543, Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
    Phone: 41 0 91 973 1810
  5. Cardiocentro Ticino
    Address: Via Tesserete 48, Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: 41 (0) 91 805 31 15
    Fax: 41 (0) 91 805 32 13
  6. Parco Maraini Lugano
    Address: Via Massagno 36, Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: 41 (0)91 910 33 11
    Fax: 41 (0)91 910 31 50
  7. Spitex Ticino
    Address: Via Brentani 11, cp 4543, Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: 091 973 18 10
    Fax: 091 973 18 19
  8. Residenza Al Parco
    Address: Via Gottardo 8, Muralto, Ticino, Switzerland
    Phone: 41 0 91 759 1212
  9. Clinica Fondazione Varini
    Address: Via Consiglio Mezzano 38, Orselina, Ticino, Switzerland
    Email: Available
    Phone: 41 91 735 5555
    Fax: 41 91 735 5556
  10. Viarnetto Clinica Psychiatrica
    Address: Via Ceresio 34b, Pregassona, Ticino, Switzerland
    Email: Available
    Phone: 091 971 32 21
    Fax: 091 972 87 54
  11. Casa di cura Cinque Fonti
    Address: S. Nazzaro, S Nazzaro, Ticino, Switzerland
    Phone: 41 0 91 794 1636
  12. HUMAINE Clinica Sementina
    Address: V.Chicherio 2, Sementina, Ticino, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Phone: 004191/8509595
    Fax: 004191/8509594
  13. Ospedale Ricovero San Donato
    Address: Intragna, TI, Ticino, Ticino, Switzerland
    Phone: 41-(0)91 796 2444
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