List of all Hospitals in Solothurn, Switzerland

If you’re looking for a hospital in Solothurn, You’ve arrived to the correct location! Here, we have compiled a comprehensive list of all the hospitals in Solothurn so that you can find the one that is perfect for you. Here have included routes to hospitals as well as contact information so you may contact them directly, ranging from small community hospitals to larger NHS trusts.

The following is a list of all public and private hospitals in Solothurn, together with their addresses, websites, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Hospitals in Solothurn

  1. Spital Grenchen
    Address: Gesundheitszentrum Grenchen, Wissbächlistrasse 48, Grenchen, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Email: Available
    Phone: 032 654 34 34
    Fax: 032 654 34 15
  2. Spital Dornach
    Address: Bürgerspital Solothurn, Schöngrünstrasse 42, Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Email: Available
    Phone: 032 627 31 21
    Fax: 032 627 30 79
  3. Privatklinik Obach
    Address: Leopoldstrasse 5, Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Email: Available
    Phone: 032 626 23 23
    Fax: 032 626 23 33
  4. Gesundheitsamt – Kanton Solothurn
    Address: Ambassadorenhof, Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: 032 627 93 71
    Fax: 032 627 93 51
  5. Buergerspital Solothurn
    Address: Schöngrünstrasse 42, Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: .032 627 31 21
    Fax: 032 627 30 79
  6. Psychiatrische Dienste des Kantons Solothurn
    Address: Weissensteinstrasse 102, Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: 032 627 11 11
    Fax: 032 627 11 00
  7. Spitex Verband Kanton Solothurn
    Address: Zuchwilerstrasse 41, Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Web: Available
    Email: Available
    Phone: 032 623 00 33
  8. Pflegeheim Oasis
    Address: Baslerstrasse 211, Trimbach, Solothurn, Switzerland
    Phone: 41 62 289 21 21
    Fax: 41 62 289 21 22
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