List of all Hospitals in Erie, USA

In Erie, you’re looking for a hospital. You’ve arrived at the appropriate location. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the hospitals in Erie so you can choose the one that’s suitable for you. Here have included routes to hospitals as well as contact information so you may contact them directly, ranging from small community hospitals to larger NHS trusts.

All public and private hospitals in Erie are listed below, along with their addresses, websites, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Hospitals in Erie

  1. Healthsouth Lake Erie Inst
    Address: 143 East Second Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
    Phone: 814 453 5602
  2. Healthsouth Rehabilitation
    Address: 143 East 2nd Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
    Phone: 814 878 1200
  3. Metro Health Center
    Address: 252 West 11th Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
    Phone: 814 870 3400
    Fax: 814 870 3511
  4. Erie VA Medical Center
    Address: 135 East 38th Street Boulevard, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
    Web: Available
    Phone: 814 868 8661
  5. Hamot Medical Center
    Address: 201 State Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
    Web: Available
    Phone: 814 877 6000
  6. Millcreek Community Hospital
    Address: 5515 Peach Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
    Web: Available
    Phone: 814 864 4031
  7. Saint Vincent Health Center
    Address: 232 West 25th Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
    Web: Available
    Phone: 814 452 5000

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